Below is proof of transactions:
Unfortunately 7-11 doesn't sell only 1400 Mol points. Thus, RM 20 (2000 Mol points) is needed to purchase 20 GG shells (RM 14).
Member List
GG id: GuitarGid
Name: Gideon
Specialty: Wallhack
GG id: retardnoob
Name: Leon
Specialty: Playing with cups
Favorite animal: piggies.. XD
GG id: devilzwen
Name: David
Specialty: Craving for Giga server.
GG id: senhua2
Name: Iwan
Specialty: Owner of Iwan Bakeries.
GG id: yapeugene
Name: Eugene
Specialty: Stuck to Garena until eventually disappearing.
GG id: qwespol
Specialty: Also lost somewhere in Garena.
GG id: WC.
Name: Jae Charl
Specialty: Another Garena victim.
GG id: Presto|boy
Name: Trishan
Specialty: He somehow survived Garena by teleporting.
GG id: devaagar666
Name: Deva
Specialty: Piggy's favorite bang toy. He is also the Clan Lord of RDK.
GG id: bapok=noobz.
Name: Dixon
Specialty: He dared to play against Scythe Gaming during the I-City Pro Dota Championship.
GG id: [LOTHAR]sAdTaNgo
Name : Fong Yaw Ping
Specialty: Reviving [LOTHAR] clan.
Ic3 Mak3 Lanc
GG id: Ey3n Hu3
Name : Eyon Hue
Specialty: Has over 9000 IGNs. He loves Ghost COD MW server.
GG id: -
Name : Jia Chen
Specialty: Lives in a land far far away.
Lotharian Guests of Honour:
GG id: AnApPlE
Name : Alex
Specialty: Master and trainer of the first Lotharians. Retired after the HELP Cyber Games 2010.
GG id: nightmarez
Name: Shin
Specialty : AnAnPlE's old sidekick.
GG id: Dessous
Name: Justin
Specialty : Retired from Garena at a ripe old age.
GG id: La|c00000000sap
Name: Keenas
Specialty : Once anti-Lotharian and anti-social, he joined [LOTHAR] and has now retired.
GG id: T3l3Tubbi3s
Name : Amirool
Specialty : One of the best snipers known to LOTHAR. He flew all the way from Sarawak to play with us during the HELP Cyber Games 2010.
GG id: -
Name : Lee Romey
Specialty : Played during the Help Cyber Games 2010.
GG id: -
Name : Lee Chun Yuan
Specialty: Played during the I-City Pro Dota Championship 2011. Excellent supportive role.
Acts of the [LOTHAR] Parliament:
(ALL the below Acts are subject to change by ANY [LOTHAR] member, as [LOTHAR] values the rule of democracy and there for power to its people.)
[LOTHAR] Hosting Act:
1. Mostly on the weekends, we host our own game under the name of LOTHAR,
2. Outsiders (non-members) are welcome to join, however we give priority to our members.
3. Thus saying we will/might/would kick players with prior notice for space for our members.
4. However, if the outsider is a "friend" of [LOTHAR], he wouldn't be kicked.
5. Regarding this, to avoid any unnecessary misunderstanding, we asked that outsiders identify themselves beforehand.
6. We do not tolerate spamming and hacking, spammers and hackers would be kick without prior notice.
7. We do tolerate whiners to a certain extent.
8. Any outsiders who flames and insults [LOTHARS] would be kicked without prior notice, we play and ask for peace at all times.
9. Acquisition of [LOTHAR] hacking or ghosting would result in an instant kick
10. In a nutshell: the host's powers in his respective room, is supreme and unquestionable.
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[LOTHAR] Join game Act:
1. [LOTHAR] members will be given priority (over non-member players) to join [LOTHAR] rooms
2. If a [LOTHAR] member wants to join a [LOTHAR] room that is full, he can PM/miscall any in-game [LOTHAR] member.
3. If the host does not respond in 60 seconds, he is advised to join other rooms.
4. With reference to [LOTHAR] Hosting Act Section (10), the authority of the host still remains supreme and unquestionable, even pre-in-game.
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[LOTHAR] Internal Relations Act:
1. All [LOTHAR] members must have at least ONE other member’s real life contact. EG: phone number/ msn – at any given time.
2. The appointed Clan Lord MUST have real life means of communication with ALL members.
3. The appointed Clan Lord is advised to maintain frequent communication with ALL members.
4. Failure of ANY member to maintain frequent communication regardless real life or in-game will result in expelling (with the Clan Lord’s consent.)
5. Failure of Clan Lord to maintain frequent communication regardless of real life or in-game will result in joint mutiny-that is, with all [LOTHAR] member’s consent, expel the Clan Lord.
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[LOTHAR] External Relations Act:
1. ALL [LOTHAR] members are encouraged to maintain good public relations, especially with the Garena public.
2. Any argument outside [LOTHAR] concerning a [LOTHAR] member and a member of the Garena public, should be taken into concern by members.
3. All members of [LOTHAR] can choose to hide his/her identity as a member within the Garena public.
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[LOTHAR] In-Game-Communications Act:
1. In accordance with the [LOTHAR] Hosting Act Section (6,7,8), members and non-members are subject to preferred methods of communication by the host. EG: In-game chat/ voice communication/ skype / radio commands/ silence.
2. A member can only depart from Section (1) if he/she has reasonable excuses.
3. Members who fail to corporate with the host (or commander, if any) have NO authority to give commands or in-game requests.
4. Spammers, regardless of player status are subject to [LOTHAR] Hosting Act Section (6).
5. Insults towards any party by any party in [LOTHAR] rooms will be subject to [LOTHAR] Hosting Act Section (8).
6. No player of any status can be forced to communicate to anyone in-game should he/she be unwilling. However, Section (3) of this Act still applies.
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[LOTHAR] Recruitment Act:
1. Any [LOTHAR] member has authority to invite anyone into [LOTHAR].
2. Any outsider who wishes to join [LOTHAR] can contact ANY [LOTHAR] member available at that time.
3. However, the actual recruitment of an outsider INTO [LOTHAR] can only be decided by the appointed Clan Lord.
4. A newly recruited member is subject to scrutiny by ALL [LOTHAR] members. Members have the authority to “skill-test” the recruit and report findings to the Clan Lord to ease his decision of recruitment. The “skill-test” period lasts for 2 weeks.
5. A new recruit who finds him/herself being tested after 2 weeks of initial invitation CAN file a complaint to the Clan Lord or any concerned member.
6. A new recruit has all rights, authorities AND obligations of an official [LOTHAR] member after 2 weeks of initial invitation, if the Clan Lord chooses to keep him/her.
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[LOTHAR] Expelling Act:
1. [LOTHAR] members have the right to complain to the appointed Clan Lord about another member’s incompetence or failure to obey any of the [LOTHAR] Acts without reason.
2. Outsiders have the right to complain against a [LOTHAR] member. The Clan Lord MUST take this complaint into consideration.
3. Should the majority of [LOTHAR] members and outsiders feel that a particular member should be expelled for REASONABLE charges, then the Clan Lord must take action.
4. [LOTHAR] members can only be expelled by other members with the Clan Lord’s consent.
5. Any [LOTHAR] member who has been officially expelled can no longer rejoin [LOTHAR].
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